Papers Published
Total number of papers published = 75
Subject coverage in publications : Deep ocean wave prediction, wave refraction, wave/swell atlas, shoreline stablility, thermal structure, ocean currents, coastal hydrography, fisheries hydrography, marine pollution, coastal hazards, estuarine studies, shrimp/fin fisheries management, fisheries harbour development studies, nutrient distribution in coastal waters, mudbanks, oceanographic data bank
1997-1992 1991-1987 1986-1984 1983-1972
List of publications 1991-1987
1. Joseph ,P.S. , I. Shalash & M. Arar (1991)
Impacts of Coastal environment on Fisheries off the Northwestern Coast of the Arabian Gulf. In :Long term variability of Pelagic fish populations and their Environment, Published by Pergamon Press ,PP333-338.
2. P.S.Joseph,Al Yamani,F (1991)
Oxygen depleted water layer in Kuwait coastal region _ N.W. Arabian Gulf. Proceedings of International Symposium on Oceanography in Indian Ocean held at NIO, Goa,14-16 Jan.91,C7, (Abstract only)
3. P.S.Joseph, Al-Yamani (1991)
Stratification and mixing in N.W. Arabian Gulf. Proceedings of International Symposium on Oceanography in Indian Ocean held at NIO, Goa,14-16 Jan.91,P34, (Abstract only)
4. Joseph, P.S. (1989)
Coastal environmental Impacts on Kuwaiti fisheries. Hydrobiologica, Vol 213(2),77-81.
5. Joseph, P.S. & J.W.Lee (1989)
Seasonal Variability of Heat Capacity in Kuwait Coastal Waters. Kuwait Bulletin of Marine Science Vol (10): 213-221.
6. Joseph, P.S. (1989)
Nutrient- salt sources and water quality of N.W. Arabian gulf. (Abstract only). 8th International Ocean Disposal Symposium,October 89,Yugoslavia,Page. 65.
7. Joseph,P.S. (1989)
Coastal environmental Impacts on fisheries off N.W. Arabian Gulf. Proc. of Int. Sym. of the Long-term variability of Pelagic fish populations and their environment,Sendai,Japan.
8. Joseph, P.S. (1988)
Deep water wave hind casting using a hybrid model. In Ocean waves and beach processes, edited by M.Baba & N.P. Kurian, CESS, Trivandrum. P. 165-132.
9. Baba, M. & P.S.Joseph (1988).
Deep water wave climate off Cochin. In Ocean waves and Beach Process, edited by M. Baba & N.P. Kurian, CESS, Trivandrum,P. 129-139.
10. Joseph, P.S. (1988)
Coastal environmental trends and fin fish fluctuations in N.W. Arabian Gulf. 256 IABO (O1). Abstract of JOA,Mexico 88,Page 50.
11. Joseph, P.S. (1988)
Inter annual variability of oceanographic features in Kuwait's coastal waters. 257, IABO (P2). Abstract of JOA,Mexico 88,Page 50.
12. Joseph, P.S. (1988)
Trends of Physical Oceanography studies in N.W. Arabian Gulf. 458,IAPSO (P1),Abstract of JOA,Mexico 88, Page 50.
13. Joseph, P.S. (1988)
Physico-chemical characteristics of Arabian Gulf waters. (Abstract only), Interfaces of the Ocean, a SCOR Symposium, CSIRO,Hobart.
14. Joseph, P.S. (1987).
Proceeding of the Workshop on Biological Oceanography. Pub. by Regional Organization for the Protection of Marine Environment, Kuwait ROPME/GC-57003.
15. Joseph, P.S., J.Saif, I.Shalash & M. Arar (1987).
Trends in Dissolved Oxygen in Kuwait coastal zone. Proc. of the 9th Shrimp & Fin Fisheries Management Workshop, KISR, Kuwait.
16. Joseph, P.S. (1987)
Wave Hind casting, The state of the Art. Civil Engineering Journal, The Institute of Engineers (India) ,in March 87 issue.
17. Joseph, P.S. (1987)
Fin Fisheries Management Project,Phase III. Documentation of FORTRAN Programs for processing sea survey data, MB-56, Tech. Report 2304, KISR.
18. Joseph, P.S. ,I.Shalash (1987)
Physical Property distribution and seasonal trends in northwest Arabian gulf. In: An Inverse estuary. Int. Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean.,PROCESS- VERBAUX No. 17,
XIX General Assembly 1987,Page 197.
19. Baba, M.,P.S.Joseph, N.P.Kurian, T.S.S. Hammed & K.V. Thomas (1987).
Prediction system for waves and related coastal processes. In: An Inverse estuary. Int. Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean.,PROCESS- VERBAUX No. 17, XIX General Assembly 1987,Page 238.
20. Joseph, P.S., M. Samuel & M.I. Arar (1987).
Long-term trends in dissolved nutrients in Arabian Gulf. In: An Inverse estuary. Int. Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean.,PROCESS- VERBAUX No. 17, XIX General Assembly 1987,Page 345.
21. Joseph, P.S., J.A.Abdulla (1987)
Seasonal variability of thermal structure of Northwestern Arabian Gulf. In: An Inverse estuary. Int. Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean.,PROCESS- VERBAUX No. 17, XIX General Assembly 1987,Page 424.
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