Papers Published
Total number of papers published = 75
Subject coverage in publications : Deep ocean wave prediction, wave refraction, wave/swell atlas, shoreline stablility, thermal structure, ocean currents, coastal hydrography, fisheries hydrography, marine pollution, coastal hazards, estuarine studies, shrimp/fin fisheries management, fisheries harbour development studies, nutrient distribution in coastal waters, mudbanks, oceanographic data bank
1997-1992 1991-1987 1986-1984 1983-1972
List of publications 1997-1992
1. Joseph.P.S, C.M. Katticakaran, Mohammed Salih K.Y. (1996)
Trace metal levels in clam - Estimation of Pollution Index. Proc. Of the Academy of Environmental Biology, Vol 5, 1996, Page 2.
2. C.M.Kattikkaran, Joseph.P.S. Mohammed Salih K.Y (1995)
Seasonal Indices of trace metals in Sunitta scripta. Presented at ICES 1996 and accepted for Int. J. Of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
3. Joseph.P.S. (1996)
Development Potential of the offshore banks off the Laccadives islands. Accepted for IOPS Int. Ocean Pollution Symposium, Florida Institute of Technology, 1997 April.
4. Joseph.P.S. (1995)
Energy alternatives - Inferring daily insolation from ambient temperature. II nd Int. Conf. On the implementation of renewable and alternate energy techniques, CRAET 95, Dec 4 -8, 1995, Nigeria.
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