Papers Published
Total number of publications = 75
Subject coverage in publications : Deep ocean wave prediction, wave refraction, wave/swell atlas, shoreline stablility, thermal structure, ocean currents, coastal hydrography, fisheries hydrography, marine pollution, coastal hazards, estuarine studies, shrimp/fin fisheries management, fisheries harbour development studies, nutrient distribution in coastal waters, mudbanks, oceanographic data bank
1997-1992 1991-1987 1986-1984 1983-1972
List of publications 1983-1972
1. Baba, M.,P.S.Joseph, N.P.Kurian, C.M.Harish, T.S.Sahul Hammed (1983).
Studies on waves and their refraction in relation to beach erosion. Tech. Rept. 31, CESS Trivandrum.
2. Varkey, M.J., V.Kesava Das ,G. Narayana Swammy ,P.S.Joseph, J.S. Sastry (1982).
Wave Atlas for Arabian Sea & Bay of Bengal >Nat. Inst. of Oceanography, Goa. Pub. 1982.
3. Joseph,P.S. (1982)
On ocean waves approaching the Gulf region. Use of a single parameter wave model. Proc. of 1st Arabian Gulf Conference on Environmental Pollution, Kuwait, 7-9 Feb. '82 (Abstract only)
4. Joseph,P.S.,S. Kawai and Y. Toba (1981)
Ocean wave prediction by a Hybrid model -combination of single parametrized wind waves with spectrally treated swells. Sci. report. Tohoku University, Ser. 5 (Tohoku Geophysical Journal), Vol. 28, No 1. 27-45.
5. Joseph, P.S., S.Kawai and Y.Toba (1981)
Prediction of ocean waves based on the single parameter growth equation of wind-waves -II. Introduction of Grid method. Journal of Japanese Society of Oceanography, Vol . 37, 20-31.
6. Toba,Y., S.Kawai & P.S.Joseph (1981)
Wave prediction by 'Tohoku Model'.In report on the Inter comparison of ocean wave models, organized by K.Hasselmann and O.M.Phillips and held at Florida University,Miami on 13th to 15th Jan 1981.
7. Gopinathan,C.K & P.S.Joseph (1980)
Physical features of Near shore waters off Karwar. Indian Journal of Marine Science, Vol. 9, 166-171.
8. Joseph ,P.S. , Y.Toba & S.Kawai (1980)
Treatment of swells in wave hind casting (In (Japanese) .Proc. of the Japanese Oceanography Society's Annual meeting.
9. Joseph , P.S. & S.Kawai (1979)
A preliminary trial of wave prediction with a single parameter wind wave growth equation. Proc. of the Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Oceanography.
10. Kawai, S.,Joseph. P.S. & Y.Toba (1979)
Prediction of ocean waves based on the single parameter growth equation of wind waves. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan Vol. 35, 151-167.
11. Kurup,P.G.,P.S.Joseph & V.V.R.Varadachari (1975)
Near shore circulation in the sea off Velsao. 'Mahasagar' Bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, Vol. 9(No 1 & 2),7-10.
12. Gouvia,A.D.,P.S.Joseph & P.G.Kurup (1975)
Wave refraction studies along Goa coast from cape Ramas to Karwar. 'Mahasagar' bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, Vol.9 (No.1 & 2),11-19.
13. Joseph, P.S. (1974)
Nutrient distribution in the Cochin harbor and in its vicinity. Indian Journal of marine Science, Vol. 2, 28-32.
14. Joseph, P.S. (1974)
A preliminary survey of aquatic habitat in the Periyar river - a tributary to the Cochin backwater system. Japanese Journal of Limnology, Vol. 35(1),18-24.
15. Joseph, P.S. ,N.M.Shah & Preety Rani (1972)
A Preliminary survey of Cochin Harbor region with special reference to the marine pollution. Proc . of Symposium on Pollution of air, water and land, cosponsored by Andra University and by U.G.C.
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