Technical Reports
1. Sea Wave modeling Project (SWAMP) Part-2 -An Inter comparison of wind wave prediction models. Koninlljk,Nederlands Meteorological Institute KNMI Publikatie 161.
2. Studies on the Hydrographic features off Karwar. Project report of a project sponsored by Ballarpur Paper Industries to find out an outfall site for waste water discharge into the sea. An N.I.O. Publication. 1978.
3. Hydrography off Mangalore. report of a sponsored project by Mangalore fertilizers Limited to find out the site for waste disposal. An N.I.O. Publication,1978.
4. Studies on Physical parameters etc. of the shoreline and the adjoining sea at Loliem. An N.I.O. Goa Publication 1976. A project sponsored by Govt. of Goa Damon & Diu for the feasibility of an atomic power plant at Loliem,Goa.
5. P.S.Joseph (1995). Energy Alternatives: Inferring Daily Isolation from Ambient Temperature. Accepted for Presentation at IInd International Conference on the Implementation of Renewable and Alternative Energy Technologies, CRAET '95 at University of Nigeria.
6. P.S.Joseph (1995). Mudbanks (Chakara) - A unique coastal proccess of south west coast of India. Accepted for International Conference on COASTAL CHANGE 95, Paris, Feb.95.
7. P.S.Joseph (1995) Coastal Environmental Pollution Index - Trace Metals in Clam Sunetta Scripta. IAPSO Symposium PS -05 in Hawai, August 95.
8. P.S.Joseph (1995) Symptoms of Coastal Contamination - Southwest Indian coast. Accpted for IAPSO Symposium PS -05 in Hawai, August 95.
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