Nature of Research Activities
(1986 May- 1990 Aug.) : Research Specialist.
1. Research & Administrative In charge of the Marine Pollution &
Oceanography Research Group of Mariculture & Fisheries Department
( KISR).
2. Organizing & Conducting of Oceanographic Cruises onbroad R.V.Bahith
and Chief Scientist & Cruise Leader.
3. Computer co ordinator of the Marine Fisheries Division and programming
assistance and training courses to Scientists.
4. Organizing KISR Training courses on different branches of Marine
5. Member of the Technical Committee for the Shrimp & Fin Fisheries
Management Workshops of KISR ,AFRRA & GCC Countries in 1986, 87
6. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Annual Research Reports of
KISR during 1987, 88 and 1989.
7. Chief Instructor of ROPME Workshop on Biological Oceanography
during Feb. 87.
8. Instructor of KISR sponsored Training course on Marine Pollution Data
Handling Techniques in 1988.
9.Training of local staff in Oceanographic measurements on board, Data
Handling, Report Preparation, Technical Paper Preparation and Data
10. Participation & presentation of papers in International Conferences such
as SCOR General Assembly at Hobart in 86, Joint Oceanographic
Assembly at Mexico 1989, General Assembly of IUGG at Vancouver 1988
International Fishery conference at Sendai in 1989 etc.
11. Preparation of Five Year Master for Marine Research for State of
12. Editorial Member of Kuwait Bulletin of Marine Sciences and Oceanogica
13. Task Team Leader in Marine Pollution Monitoring Project of ROPME for
the GCC Countries.
(1981 June- 1986 May) :Scientist C
1. Participation in Coastal Zone Management Project (WAVE PROJECT),
Coastal circulation studies.
2. Investigator in Vizhinjam Fishery Harbour Development Project.
3. Participation in the preparation of the “ Monograph on Coastal
Processes” published by DOD, Govt. of India.
4. Deep water wave measurements by wave rider buoys in coastal sea.
5. Participation in TOGA( 84) and SCOR conferences at Paris ( 1985).
6. Participation in INDO US Workshops on MONSOON at Bangalore (82),
Delhi (83) .
7. International Air Sea Interaction Conference at Sydney (1985)
8. Coastal Processes & Estuarine Circulation studies (Beypur Estuary).
9. Coatal Pollution Monitoring.
(1972 Aug.- 81 June) : Senior Scientific Assistant
1. Coastal Hydrographic surveys in Arabian sea.
2. Coastal Pollution Studies for Industrial Waste disposal site selection
3. Preparation of Swell Atlas for Arabian sea and Bay Bengal.
4. Hydrographic studies in Arabian sea.
5. Estuarine surveys (Mandovi & Zuari ),Goa, India.
(1976 Oct.- 1980 March) : Japanese Monbusho Fellow
1. Training on Air - sea interaction processes
2. Development of Tohoku wave model
3. Associated with the works of SWAMP Group ( Sea Wave Modeling
(1971 Jul. - 1972 Sept.) :C.S.I.R Junior Research Fellow
Studies on Nutrient distribution In Cochin Harbour area.
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